Newsletter 08.03.2024

Due to the great interest showed by children we continued with the Habitat Topic followed with climate and songs for the theme. We walked to the Forest and observed the forest habitat. We looked for the home, food and shelter for the animals in the forest. Through out the week, we also talked and practiced hygiene talks and the precautions taken for the infections. On Wednesday, we all went to watch “Das Krokodil” theater just around the corner of our playground. Children enjoyed the theater and brought back some funny exchange of talks about the show.
This week children enjoyed sports in sports hall without any hassle. Rest of the week children enjoyed "show and tell", free play, table activities and started crafting for  spring and easter. You can find some Tulips on our kindergaten windows and colourful wool easter eggs hanging beautifully in foyer. These crafting activities were designed to strengthen their fine motor skills.