Newsletter 06.03.2020


This week our theme was hygiene. In morning circle, we used glitter to show how germs spread when we touch something or someone and how far they ‘blow’ when we cough or sneeze. We talked about the importance of washing our hands after the toilet and before we eat as well as how to cover our mouth and nose with our elbow or tissue when we cough or sneeze. The children all practiced washing their hands thoroughly. Following the guidance on


The pre-school children learnt the letter ‘V’ and looked at the number 7 house and the heptagon garden.


Cooking Week

Next week is cooking week. The children have decided some healthy meals and we went shopping together for all the ingredients. Our cooking week last year was a huge success and we are looking forward to making some tasty dishes with the children.


Self-defense Course

The self-defense course begins next Friday, for those children who have signed up for it.