Newsletter 21.02.2020

This week we continued our theme ‘Room on the Broom’. All the children finished their pictures. They did a fantastic job thinking about what the characters look like, drawing the right number of legs and using the same colours.


In morning circle we learnt the letter ‘T’ and searched Kindergarten finding objects that start with that letter. We also sang two German songs, ‘Morgens früh’ and ‘Gluck die Katze’


In science, the children used lemon juice to paint magic pictures. Later, when the juice had dried, we held them up to the light to discover the hidden picture.


Fasching Party

We are looking forward to our party and seeing how many witches and dragons we’ll have, maybe there will be some cats, dogs, frogs and birds too! Please remember Kindergarten closes after lunch on this day, pick up between 12:30 and 12:45. Thank you.