Newsletter 17.01.2020

This week we continued our Chinese New Year theme and shared two stories. A legend of how the first Chinese New Year celebrations began and the second story explained how the Chinese zodiac is name after twelve animals.


The children had the opportunity to create a collage of a Chinese town with lanterns. They have also started to make a poster to show the year they were born and their Chinese zodiac animal.


We learnt a new song to celebrate Chinese New Year and played drums and cymbals. We investigated how seeds bounce when the drum vibrates as it is played. We also discovered that the harder you bang the drum, the higher the seeds jump! The children all made and decorated their own Chinese drum.


Our number for the month is number 5. We continued to practice counting to 5 and sang ‘5 Kleine Fische’. We also made different pentagons and counted their sides and corners.


The preschool children learnt the letter ‘O’ and found objects starting with that letter.



Butterfly Visit

We will be visiting the Botanischer Garten to see the butterflies. Please remember there will be no lunch or snack pick up for those attending the visit.