Newsletter 20.09.2019

This week our theme was ‘Oktoberfest’. In Morning Circle, we talked about Prince Ludwig’s marriage to Princess Theresa and how their wedding was celebrated. The children looked at the German and Bavarian flags, thinking about the colours and patterns involved as they made the flags using coloured cubes. They also started to learn a super new Bavarian song, ‘Springt da Hirsch übern Bach’. In kindergaterten the children used playdough to make bretzels. We are all looking forward to visiting Oktoberfest next Wednesday and dressing in our Dirndl and Lederhosen for the day.


On Thursday we visited the forest. After eating their breakfast, the children began to explore the forest. This time the children found lots of old branches and worked together to build an amazing den.

Oktoberfest Visit

Next Wednesday morning we will visit the Old Oktoberfest. If your child would like to, they can dress up in traditional Bavarian clothes for the day. During the visit we will meet the Münchner Kindl and sing some songs.


Thank you!


Have a lovely weekend.


        The Bubbles Team




‘Springt da Hirsch übern Bach’


Springt da Hirsch übern Bach
Brockt si drei driedoppelte
Scheene, greane, braune Brombeerblätterbladl
Ab von da Staudn

Sogt da Hirsch, des is a Mo
Der si drei driedoppelte
Scheene, greane, braune Brombeerblätterbladl
Abbrocka ko

Springt da Has übern Zaun
Brockt si zwoa zwiezipfate
Scheene, greane, braune Dirndlbirlbladl
Ab von da Staudn

Sogt da Has, des is a Mo
Der si zwoa zwiezipfate
Scheene, greane, braune Dirndlbirlbladl
Abbrocka ko