Newsletter 13.09.2019

This week we talked a lot about people. With help, everyone drew life-size pictures of themselves. The children named different parts of their body and used the mirror to check the colour of their eyes and hair. Once they were coloured we displayed them around Kindergarten. The children painted name labels to add to their pictures.


In Morning Circle, we learnt a new German song ‘Ein Krokodil aus Afrika’. We also learnt the letter ‘B’ and sorted objects that started with ‘A’ or ‘B’. This week we focused on the number one. The older children practiced writing the numeral one and we found out which things we have one of for example one head, one mouth…


On Wednesday, the children all helped with a science experiment and discovered which objects float and which objects sink.


In Music, we started to learn a song ‘When the Ants go Marching in.’ We all used actions and drums to accompany the song. Yoga was lots of fun this week. The children practiced the Frog and the Bridge poses.


We are very fortunate to have Christin working with us this year. For those of you who have not had chance to meet her personally, her photo and a short introduction are displayed on the notice board in the cloakroom.





Thank you!


Have a lovely weekend.


        The Bubbles Team




Jolly Phonics – all songs in alphabetical order


‘Ein Krokodil aus Afrika’


‘When the Ants go Marching in’