This week we started our new theme, ‘Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer.’ The children were very busy as we painted a huge picture of Lummerland as well as lots of the characters from the story.
In morning circle we began to learn a new song, ‘Eine Insel mit zwei Bergen”. We also started to read the Jim Knopf stories in English and German.
We practiced the letters ‘m’ and ‘j’ and found objects starting with those letters. The children joined in clapping the syllables for different words. We also talked about some of our emotions focusing on how it feels when we are happy and jolly.
On Friday the older children went to watch the Schäfflertanz. They had a fantastic time, tapping their feet and laughing at the clown, especially when they got black noses!
Breakfast, Lunch and Snack
Just a reminder, it was decided that breakfast and snack (prepared by the parents) will be vegetarian. We are also looking at the possibility of only providing a vegetarian option for lunch. Although that is not possible just at the moment; we will choose vegetarian options where possible.
Music at the Gasteig
On the morning of 28th February, we will visit the Gasteig to take part in a music workshop for Kindergarten children.
Faschings Party
Our theme will be ‘Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer.’
We look forward to seeing the children dressed in home-made costumes for our Fasching Party on the morning of Wednesday 5th March.
Enjoy your weekend!
The Bubbles Team