Newsletter 15.02.19

Today we finished our Space theme with a super visit to ESO at Garsching-Forschzentrum. The children had a wonderful time looking at all the photos and models of stars, planets and solar systems. They enjoyed looking through the telescopes and were amazed at just how big the Very Large Telescope and Extremely Large Telescopes are!


We will be celebrating a kids birthday on Thursday. Parents’ on breakfast duty will not need to prepare snack on this day. 



We will take the children to watch the dancers perform. For more information please follow this link https://www.schä


Music at the Gasteig

We will visit the Gasteig to take part in a music workshop for Kindergarten children. 


Faschings Party

Our theme will be ‘Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer.’

We look forward to seeing the children dressed in home-made costumes for our Fasching Party on the morning of Wednesday 5th March.

Enjoy your weekend!



The Bubbles Team